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Gallery 3D-Stills

3D-Reconstruction of the Lutherhouse Wittenberg and his scriptorium around 1515. On behalf of the Landesamt für Denkmalpflege und Archäologie Halle, Germany.Rötteln Castle (German: Burg Rötteln) lies in the extreme southwest corner of  Germany. The fortification was one of the most powerful in the southwest, and today is the third largest castle ruin in the larger area. The 3D-Reconstruction shows the building state at the end of the Thirty Years War.
 Roman villa rustica of FrauenzimmernLutherLutherLutherLutherIn the 13th century, Staufen was protected by a wall and a trench. In the 15th century, the town began to grow beyond its wall: tanneries and mills emerged alongside the craft drain.The castle of Staufen was built around the 12th century for safeguarding the silver mining. It was mentionned first in 1248. Its wall measured nearly 4 m in diameter.Around 300 AD the minster hill was surrounded by a imposing wall and became a military base. At that time, only ruins remained from the civil settlement, which existed in front of the minster hill until around 250 AD.In the middle of the 13th century heavy walls sheltered the free imperial town of Basel, which covered a surface of 350The first fortified settlement of Basel stood at the end of the Bronze Age 40 m above the Rhein, on the north point of the minster hill.48Around 3900 BC neolithic farmers settled alongside the Rhein. They cultivated corn on small plots and drove their cattle in the near oak forest.An imposing wall surrounded  this new celtic settlement on the minster hill. This wall (murus gallicus) was - according to Caesar - 6 m high; the trench was 7 m deep and 30 m wide. 
In the 9th century stood the Münster with its two round towers on the minster hill. Around the Muensterplatz were farm-like buildings, a wooden church and probably a Roman storehouse.Around 7500 BC hunters and gatherers lived in seasonal camps, where they stored their reserves for the Winter.Around 100 BC, a 150Around 500 BC, the deceased of the elite were buried under a big grave-mound, as here near by Muttenz-Hardhäuslischlag.Around 550 AD, the Frankish upper class buried its deceased in richly furnished burial chambers under artificially fed hills: here a heavy armed horseman in the burial ground of Basel-Bernerring.
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Luther's parents' house in Mansfeld, around 1495



On behalf of the Landesamt für Denkmalpflege und Archäologie Halle, Germany


Last Update: 11.7.2014 © by Digitale Archäologie